Seminaris en línia amb el sector
1r semestre – Digitalització
Olavi Petron: Quick dive into the topic: Digitalisation in rural areas I Marius Duca: Quick dive into the topic: Digitalisation in rural areas II Joeñ Jarvik: Digitization master class (PP7 Estònia) Lukáš Hanušín: RISK application for collecting project intentions from socioeconomic partners and the GEOPORTAL application (PP5 Eslovàquia) Dan Zbuchea: Central Region Program 2021-2027, Action 2.1.1 Digital communities for a smart region (PP4 Romania) Eoghan McCarthy: The Regional Development Monitor, a digital tool for improved policy (PP2 Irlanda) Sonia Gratacós: Digital transformation support schemes and initiatives for Catalan rural enterprises (LP1 Espanya) Marco Foschini: Acquacoltura di precisione: a way to raise agrifood productivity (PP6 Itàlia) Amelie Rahbek: Shareable - a series of inspirational talks with a touch of digitization (PP3 Suècia)
2n semestre – Economia blava i verda
![economia blava i verda](
Geraldine Brennan: CirculEire (PP2 Irlanda) Pruul Shaping tomorrow in the green economy for sustainable food security (PP7 Estònia) Alisa Mariana Cotoroianu Agri-tourism and diversification of the local economy: Local Gastronomy Points (PP4 Romania) Franziska Gandert Start small – think big: Promoting the conditions for industrial symbiosis and circular business models in the rural municipality of Härjedalen (PP3 Suècia) Tiziana Apollonia De Nittis Strengthening green policies through the development of the blue economy as part of Emilia-Romagna’s Regional Smart Specialisation Strategy (PP6 Itàlia) Martin Rovnak Applied research for the improvement of acoustic properties of mobile anti-noise barriers and ecological use of waste generated during their production (PP5 Eslovàquia) Clara Sole The 2030 Catalan Bioeconomy Strategy EBC2030 (LP1 Espanya) Víctor Falguera BIOHUBCAT: a good practice of the EBC2030 (LP1 Espanya)